More than a while…

I would say it’s been a while but I guess 4 months is a little more than a while… It’s been crazy and once I sat back down to write on here I realized how much I miss it! Angie just wrote recently about how everyone has kind of stopped blogging- it stinks. I miss reading what everyone has to say…all the encouraging words were so nice to see all the time.

So, to the few who’ll read this, you might be wondering where the heck I’ve been since November! I wish I knew…Kidding :) Life has been life… it’s been crazy and had it’s ups and downs. As 2009 ended I was so looking forward to 2010- a new year of new things and so far it has proved to be great! Well..2010 was great until the Colts made it all the way to the superbowl and decided to lose…that part I’m forgetting about :) Yep- still lovin’ my Colts, that won’t change!

Matt has a new job- one that he finally loves and is passionate about! That thrills me… It’s so wonderful to see your husband enjoy his work and not dread every Monday like he used to. It’s a wonderful job that allows me to help him still and him to work some from home and some at the office. It’s a great balance.

I ran my half marathon in August and LOVED it- I definitely think I’ll be sticking with half marathons for the most part but I would love to run a full soon! All I know is, at the end of my half I don’t know that I could have run another half!! Of course it’ll be easier once I train for it but still… 26.2 miles is a ton! I admire anyone that can run that much. I can’t believe that I actually love running- I remember hating it with a passion. Now if I can’t run it kills me and I get kind of grumpy…just as Matt ;)


I’ve learned a lot recently and God has done some amazing things in my life. I’ve learned a whole new meaning to trusting Him and that I wasn’t quite as good at it as I thought :) I also learned what joy really looks like- can’t depend on your circumstances in life, only God and that He’ll give you peace in situations where you had no idea it could be! Funny because I really thought I knew this stuff but I realized I was off a bit on my thinking. :) I was reminded how much I love my friends and how true friends are rare and when you find them, hang on!

C3 has been amazing as usual! This past Sunday they actually did Powerhouse in the main theater…. It ROCKED! I thought it was so awesome that everyone got to see how much emphasis C3 puts on kids! I’m excited about what God is doing thru C3… Our student community has been amazing, too! Matt and I just do high school and since we multiplied the groups the high school meets in our house… these students are truly getting it and really living out for God. We recently asked them to gather up some clothes and shoes to donate to Pineloch elementary- this school  needs things for the students and families of students that attend there- our students completely ran with it and brought SO much stuff to donate! It was amazing to see them give back and how thrilled they were to do it :)

Phew….That’s kind of a lot for one post… I guess that’s what I get for not writing since November :) Now that I remember how much I miss this it won’t be so long before the next one!

About Monica Hunt

I'm a follower of Christ, a wife to the greatest husband I could ever ask for, owner of a very adorable and crazy puppy, a daughter, friend, sister, aunt, and a part of C3 church...who is trying to live my life for Christ and show others His love- even though I fall incredibly short His love and grace are unconditional! View all posts by Monica Hunt

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