Tag Archives: College Students

It’s Worth it

Check out this post by Pete Wilson- Engage or Withdraw. I really enjoyed this post- it challenged me and made me think about my own trust issues. I definitely have a few :)

Here’s a little bit of what he wrote:

I’ll admit that at times I have a hard time trusting certain people. I generally develop my feelings of distrust after someone has done something intentionally or unintentionally that makes me question their character. And let’s be honest, if you’re in any kind of relationship with someone long enough from time to time they’re going to act in a way that will bring the issue of “trust” to the forefront.

We all have a trust-meter. Every time you interact with another person your trust-meter goes up or down based on a set of factors that would include such things as the person’s truth-telling record, their commitment keeping pattern, their confidentiality, their consistency in character, etc. This is true of all of your relationships…

Pete Wilson also wrote something else a few days ago that bothered me…He wrote this about college students..

I was shocked last week to hear that the second leading cause of death among college students is suicide. Furthermore, I read that as many as 50% of college students have thought about suicide with 15% of them seriously considering it.

You can read the rest of it HERE.

This is upsetting- Matt and I recently started leading the C3 College/Young Adults group with Bryan and Gina Zugelder… To think about the fact that possibly half of them may be considering suicide- honestly to think about the fact that this happens with ANY college students in general is sad. I remember that time in my life- it wasn’t too long ago- and if you’re not careful it is easy to slip into your own world and slowly those thoughts can creep in. I’m very grateful I had people in my life then to make sure that wasn’t the case. My hope and prayer is that all college students will find that… All the more reason to be intentional and invest in people. Because lets be honest… It’s not just college students who have thoughts like that and need help.

I’ve still got Sunday morning on my mind… Remembering what those videos said- “Will you risk it?” “Am I worth it?” I can’t think of anyone who is NOT worth it! I pray I never forget about that and am always intentional in building relationships and inviting people to church…even well after Easter. I also pray that I don’t slip back into that comfortable lifestyle where I just coast and don’t really pay much attention to those around me… because they are truly worth it. And because I’m reminded that God placed Matt and I where we are for a reason- There may be certain people that God has placed in our lives that are waiting on us to invite them… All I know is- it is definitely worth the risk.