Tag Archives: Decisions

C3 Sunday, Student Fun, & a Con Artist??

Yep…I find a way to talk about all 3 of those in one post :)

It’s been a busy couple of weeks… we finally got to be back at C3 Sunday! I missed it- we were on vacation one week and then we didn’t have church the weekend of the 4th….felt like it had been forever! :)

I loved the message…Pastor Byron talked about being let down relationally… something that happens to every single one of us in life. It was almost like an epiphany for me- why had I never thought of simply praying these things that he mentioned. He talked about how when you’re let down by small things to pray for thicker skin- and one thing he said that stood out so much to me was: “When you choose to be easily offended, you’re choosing to be miserable.”  So true… we make the decision to be easily offended or not and I can say from experience- when I make that decision, I am miserable! I’m very grateful for Sunday- I am praying for thicker skin and for a stronger heart.

Yesterday we headed out to Rock Springs with our students for the day. It was a blast- we had never been there before. The water was freeeezinggg :) But it was still fun! We did some tubing and played some volleyball and just spent the day out there. I love hanging out with our students!

Lastly- if you’re reading this and in the central FL area please check THIS out. You’ll want to know about this woman and the fact that she’s a con artist! One of my best friends bought her wedding dress from here…and now it’s gone and so is her money! Awful! Sadly it happened to many brides who trusted her and now she’s run off with their money… Check out the story by clicking HERE. Praying that every single one of these brides can find another way to get the dress of their dreams!