Tag Archives: School


Yesterday at C3 was awesome! We’re still in the series: ‘The Sickness Within” and yesterday Pride was discussed. It definitely hit home to me… I just wrote about how at times I feel like I’ve got a handle on all my problems and I don’t want to bother God with it…. Sometimes I have the thinking of: ‘He’s got enough on His plate, I’ll just deal with this myself.’ And that isn’t trusting God fully… I’m so grateful for being a part of a church that is so real and authentic! I’m also so grateful for ALL the amazing people that make this movement happen every week! Seriously… it takes a lot of dedication and people who truly love Jesus and others… It’s humbling to look around at all the people who sacrifice each week to give of themselves and be a part of what God’s doing here. C3 truly is a family and I love all of these wonderful people!

Yesterday C3 also gave away a ton of backpacks full of school supplies to students in need! Amazing… This is truly what church is all about- reaching out and helping the community around you!

I got to meet tons of new students yesterday! I am pumped for our fall schedule of 413 (Our high school student community!) It’s gonna be a blast :) I hope all our students had a great first day back at school… Speaking of this… my sister started middle school today! She went from being in a small private school for all of elementary to a big public middle school… I’m hoping she has a really good day. I don’t think she’s too nervous but I sure am :)

Ok I think that’s all for now… I have like 682 loads of laundry to do that have been piling up… maybe a little bit of an exaggeration but still- it’s a lot :)


So last night I started reading The Shack. I decided to get it since everyone has said such great things about it. I only read a little bit because I usually get sleepy when I read at night, but I’m definitely excited to keep reading. 

I haven’t started packing at all…we leave for Miami tomorrow and then the Bahamas on Saturday. I’m so excited!! I’ve been to the Bahamas before but never with Matt and the last time we went we stayed at Atlantis but they have changed it so much now! I’m most excited about where we are staying..they have water parks, beaches, pools, and a lazy river. They also have an amazing spa which we will hopefully be able to spend some time at :)

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about busyness and priorities. Like about how difficult it can be to keep your top priorities at the top when life gets in the way…that’s no excuse but I know I let it be sometimes. 

I’m sad we’re going to miss this Sunday. Of course, the fact that we’re going to be in the Bahamas makes it better :) But really, it will be weird not being with our C3 family on Sunday. 

It is finally starting to sink in that we don’t have to go back to school. I think now that people are talking about going back to school and registering for classes it’s starting to hit me. The other day I thought to myself: “Wait, I’m not registered for classes yet!” Then I realized…hello :) I’m so glad to be done and be able to move on…

I’ve been looking for a job recently. Not in a hurry to get one but still looking! :) 

Anyway- I better go, I have to start packing sometime, but of course to start packing you have to first do the laundry that you’re going to pack…yeah, I better go! :)

too tired for a title…

So I have so much to say today but my brain feels too fried to get it all out. I took my last test today! Finally…I’m so thrilled to be done with school :) 

I got to come home to my wonderful husband who surprised me with flowers as a congrats for being done with school :) I love my hubby!

Of course, the night wasn’t complete until we watched The Office…I love that show! It is sometimes about almost nothing, but never ceases to make me laugh. 

Anyway...hopefully now that this crazy week is over I’ll be able to blog about something other than randomness :) 

Wednesday, Wednesday…

So today I took my 2nd to last exam at school…So stinking excited about that. I have ONE more. I will take it tomorrow morning. It’s so surreal to me that I’ll be finished with college in one day. 

Princess has been acting especially crazy this week…I wish I had a videotape on her 24/7 to capture all the hilarious things she does! I’ll try to capture something funny soon…she does something worth taping just about everyday! Whether it is taking my clothes and making me chase her to get them, running laps around our house like a speedy crazy dog, or (my favorite) how she barks and makes hilarious noises while she’s sleeping!! 


I spent some time with one of my best friends tonight, Kayleigh. It is her 18th birthday today!! I’m so grateful for my friendship with her…she is one of my “roots” and one of those friends I can be totally myself and real with. Not to mention we laugh our heads off together :) It’s just awesome to have one of those friends you can laugh with, cry with, just plain be yourself with! Happy Birthday, Kayleigh!

Well, I am going to go study…again…just like last night! Oh well..only one more night of it- yay!

Hope everyone has had a happy Wednesday!


I Should Be Studying….

So, I probably shouldn’t be blogging…I have two finals tomorrow that I need to do well on and I haven’t studied that much. One is at 7am in the morning! That should be against the law…how am I supposed to even think at that hour??! Oh well…nothing I can do so I better study hard and try to get some rest. 

I have some funny pictures from Powerhouse on Sunday…mostly of Adam getting slimed. I need to post them! 

I can’t believe in just a couple days I will be finished with college…wow, it’s crazy to me. I mean it’s a good crazy for sure! :) 

I need to get going…you know, to study watch American Idol :) I do have to make time for Idol sometime tonight! 

Also I can’t forget to wish Kayleigh a happy 18th birthday for tomorrow!! …I’ll write more about that tomorrow though! 

Off to study for now… :) 


The Good Fight

Now let me go ahead and first say….I’m by no means an expert on communication, marriages, or relationships in general, but getting my degree in communication has taught me quite a bit and honestly, life has taught me how important communicating is. My focus in school is on organizational communication. Almost every time I say that someone gives me a funny look and asks: “How do you organize communication?”  Well, that’s not exactly what it is :) It is simply learning how to communicate in all different kinds of organizations and in all different situations. It does get more specific in certain classes- like I took a class totally revolved around learning how to handle conflict effectively- and it can be much broader, too.

Anyway- Just a little background on where I get some of my information from since I am going to try and start posting more on things I have learned that have positively impacted my relationships.


“We would never even argue or disagree about much.”

This was what I heard this past week from someone in regards to their relationship that is sadly ending. It really got me thinking about “fighting” or disagreements. Some people think they are so awful and try so hard to keep the peace that I think they forget that some disagreements or discussions can be healthy. You can learn so much about the other person in the relationship (any relationship) by discussing your differences. Now I don’t by any means, mean yelling or being disrespectful to the other person, but there’s nothing wrong with healthy discussions. I can’t stress enough how important it is to discuss it when something hurts you or bothers you rather than bottle it all up inside and let it sit. Obviously there will be things you are able to just let go of, but I know for me at times, I think “Oh I’ll just let it go” and it’s not always that easy. I may think something doesn’t get to me at first, and then I’ll realize later by me continuing to think about it- how much it is actually getting to me. Even then, I think it’s so important to discuss these things with the person you’re having the conflict with. I know at times, when I let some time pass from the incident that upset me, I’ll think- “it’s too late to bring it up”, but if the person you’re dealing with really cares about you they won’t mind. I know, personally, I appreciate it when someone is willing to be real with me and let me know they’re upset. I would much rather know and be able to fix it than not know and possibly jeopardize the relationship.

I know it’s sometimes incredibly difficult to bring up conflict with another person and it’s never a fun process, but I whenever I’m in this situation I remind myself how much better the relationship will be in the end if we discuss the things that bug or hurt us. I also remember how much the relationship could suffer if these things are just left lingering. One of the major reasons for relationships ending (and again, I mean any kind of relationship) is usually a lack of communication or something that happens as a result of the lacking communication.

More on this later in the week! 

Sunburns, Friendship, and Other Randomness :)

Oh boy…Where do I start, this has been a long week…

We went to the beach with Crave yesterday….I never really thought I could burn. I guess because I never have really burned too bad before, maybe a little but not to the point of pain. Well that all changed yesterday! I am burnt to a crisp and it hurts…I will always use sunscreen from now on!! Matt is worse than me, he looks like a tomato. I feel bad for him- he’s burnt on his back, stomach, legs, feet, and face! He forgot to use sunscreen until after we had been there for a while. All that to say- we probably won’t be going out in the sun for a while and when we do, we won’t be forgetting the sunscreen. 

Lauren is doing much better- thanks to all who prayed, I know their family appreciates it so much. I have been getting updates from Diane, which is great, I know they still need prayer as she starts recovering…

We’re watching my sister for the weekend while my parents are out of town. We enjoy time with her since we don’t see her too often.

The Office returns next week!! Finally- I’m so excited!

I have been working on getting all my school stuff done for the rest of the semester. After this week, we have two weeks of school left until final exams! I can’t believe the semester has gone by so fast…I’m doing my best to not procrastinate and leave it all for the end. :)

I posted a link to Jessy’s blog yesterday…I think it was great post. Friendship can be such a hard thing for some, especially when you’ve been burned a few times by people you thought were going to be there for you. I think so many of us guard ourselves to the point of not being able to be close with anyone at all…I know I used to be there- I still struggle with it at times, but I just try to remind myself not to let my past friendships define how my future ones will be. I also remember that if I continuously guard myself too much I will miss out on such a great thing- I will miss out on true, real friendship. I will miss out on having those ‘roots’ in my life. I am so grateful I have moved past that old place in my life of not being able to trust- I still guard myself with most, but I do have those ‘roots’ that I know I can be myself with, trust, and be real with. I am so thankful for that!

Well, we’re going to go watch a movie with my sister :) Hope everyone’s had a happy day!