Tag Archives: Volunteers


Yesterday at C3 was awesome! We’re still in the series: ‘The Sickness Within” and yesterday Pride was discussed. It definitely hit home to me… I just wrote about how at times I feel like I’ve got a handle on all my problems and I don’t want to bother God with it…. Sometimes I have the thinking of: ‘He’s got enough on His plate, I’ll just deal with this myself.’ And that isn’t trusting God fully… I’m so grateful for being a part of a church that is so real and authentic! I’m also so grateful for ALL the amazing people that make this movement happen every week! Seriously… it takes a lot of dedication and people who truly love Jesus and others… It’s humbling to look around at all the people who sacrifice each week to give of themselves and be a part of what God’s doing here. C3 truly is a family and I love all of these wonderful people!

Yesterday C3 also gave away a ton of backpacks full of school supplies to students in need! Amazing… This is truly what church is all about- reaching out and helping the community around you!

I got to meet tons of new students yesterday! I am pumped for our fall schedule of 413 (Our high school student community!) It’s gonna be a blast :) I hope all our students had a great first day back at school… Speaking of this… my sister started middle school today! She went from being in a small private school for all of elementary to a big public middle school… I’m hoping she has a really good day. I don’t think she’s too nervous but I sure am :)

Ok I think that’s all for now… I have like 682 loads of laundry to do that have been piling up… maybe a little bit of an exaggeration but still- it’s a lot :)

A C3 Sunday

This Sunday was one of the best I have ever seen- I am constantly amazed by how great God is! Pastor Byron’s message on “Losing My Religion” was phenomenal! It was such a great reminder for me. I find myself sometimes just checking off my list…and that is not the way God intended it to be. What Pastor said about religious people never being happy couldn’t be more true…I remember back to when I was not a Christ-Follower and I remember meeting people who said they were Christian. I never remember them being different, I never remember them being happy or having any kind of joy in their lives. I see why…They were focusing all their energy on a religion and not on a relationship with Christ. They were spending so much time worrying about what others would think about their past instead of remembering that God forgives us of that and loves us no matter what- He loves us unconditionally. That is something I have to remind myself of, too…It can be hard for me to grasp the fact that God loves us as much as He does…inspite of our mistakes. It’s amazing and I am so grateful for that unconditional love.

At one point at the end of the service, when we stood up to sing, I looked back at the crowd (I was sitting in the 2nd row) and I was in awe. I was in awe of all the people…I couldn’t find a seat open, I hardly recognized most people, and the atmosphere was one that can’t be described with words. God has blessed so much and I know He’s going to continue. To see how well everyone works together in all areas of the church is awesome. People who have been there since 6am are still happy and smiling, as tired as they might be…people in all the different ministries at C3 step up every Sunday and make it happen…and they do it with the greatest attitude. It’s amazing and I am so humbled to be able to worship and serve with a group of such great people.

Love definitely wins…C3 is proof…

True Barbarians

As I said in one of my previous blogs, I am reading “The Barbarian Way” by Erwin McManus. I want to post another little portion of what I have read:

The barbarian way is about love, intimacy, passion, and sacrifice. Barbarians love to live and live to love. For them, God is life and their mission is to reconnect humanity to Him. Their passion is that each of us might live in intimate communion with Him who died for us. The barbarian way is a path of both spirit and truth. The soul of the barbarian is made alive by the presence of Jesus.” 

All I can see when I look around C3 are true barbarians. People who are willing to go to whatever lengths to reconnect humanity to Christ. It might be as simple as a smile or handshake, or it could be waking up at the crack of dawn (or earlier) and setting up all that we need for church…no matter what it is C3 is full of people willing to do it. It’s amazing and something that can only be done with God and the people who love Him. I am so grateful to serve alongside true barbarians for Christ. I hope we all continue to love and encourage one another along with everyone who walks through those theater doors. I know I have already blogged about Sunday but I can’t stop thinking about how awesome it was. I remember looking around Powerhouse and seeing so many new volunteers. People who just stepped up to make a difference and to impact children’s lives. It was overwhelming to say the least…I am so incredibly grateful.

Love truly does win!