Daily Archives: November 12, 2008

I wasn’t able to make it to service on Sunday morning…so thanks to whoever videotapes the service, I got to watch it today :) 

Wow… I was blown away. Pastor did an amazing job of communicating what it takes to achieve greatness. When he discussed sacrifice, it challenged me to look closely at my life and make sure I am living it to the full- for Christ. It reminded me of how there are times when Christ is not number one in my life… and that He is to always be number one….no one else, nothing else….

It was just an amazing service and I’m so glad I got to watch it. I’m also so pumped about signing up for our family! We can’t wait to get all their info and start planning on what we can get them. December 21st is going to be amazing…hopefully all the families will come to C3 to pick up their boxes and gifts…and of course their kids will be coming, too! It’s going to be incredible to see all the faces at C3…to hopefully get a chance to meet so many of the other families that C3ers are helping out! It’s gonna rock!

So tonight we had our Crave-Out for the month…it was awesome! We had so many new students and then all our regulars :) Hanging out with the students is such a blast…brings me back to my high school days…now I sound old :) 

Anyway- We had relay races, asked some crazy ‘get to know you’ questions, and ate some yummy food…what more could you want?! The students had such a great time!

It’s been such a great day…except for one part: I was on my way home from a house in Avalon, to my house (in Avalon mind you) and got lost…Seriously…I think I’m the only person who could get lost in their own neighborhood! It was confusing though…so I thought I could figure it all out with my handy iPhone that has a GPS in it. NOPE! I looked up my location on the GPS and it said unknown road….oh boy….

It was okay though- Matt came to the rescue as always! I love you, babe :) Thanks for always figuring out where I am since I have a tendency to not pay attention and get lost…always :)